Wednesday, November 9, 2011

School Days & Nightsout

School just basically had fun every module on webapp & business finance. Because tend to team with those people that I love to team with. :D They're fun & they'll never abandoned you aside to do their work. HAHA! Had lunch with C&K. Sound like CK tang. Whatsoever. Had a bad mood today because of insonmia last night. Felt so tired & extremely irritable. Who cares anyway. Had been niaming nonstop to dearie, girlfriends & classmate/goodfriend. Well, shall not care so much. Just don't cry when it happened. Well then, i got no comments on anything. So looking forward for friday, saturday & sunday! All those good time is coming. Can't wait to take many pictures with my cousins. :) Hope I can take many!

Readers! Just remember, don't judge someone by it cover. So just 'KEEP QUIET' & don't comment on others. Before judging people, know them first!

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