Tuesday, November 22, 2011

情爱的, 我多么幸运人海中能够遇见你

No school today but i headed to school just to help my 2 crazy girls with their assignment! :D Then after that headed to cwp to eat nicey nicey food! Love it alot sia. The table like a cui. Keep on joking around. Laugh die me! :D Went to shop at cotton on awhile & headed back home after tabao-ing for mammy & kor. Seriously that food make me so full! :D I want again! Exchanged letters with K, & seriously make me laugh like mad. Hahaha! K, i love you k. Don't beat me. Dear having his fieldcamp tmr after 6 months of status. Please take care of yourself & drink more water kay! Hope can see you on thursday. :( *PRAY PRAY* Tada! I'm so happy today!

Some kiddy mini problem recently! But is okay! :D Finally done w assignment! Happy & off w it! Can't wait my trip for dec! 

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