Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy 1 year 8 months!

Has been studying all the way once i reached home. Like a cui. Having business finance ut tmr! Was damn funny when i was doing it online with my classmates. Seriously i regret taking business finance, but i didn't regret i knew so many awesome friends in business finance! :D School sucks because I think didn't had enough sleep because of ut & assigment. TSK! Sucha burden! After school headed to edna's house to visit cutiepie & had chitchat session with edna. Love cutiepie! Forever so cute. But once he cry, i ask qi or edna come alr. TSK. Seriously i hope some guy got some control about themselves! Like a seriously siaaaaa! TSK! Brought dinner home & study! :D 

Happy 1 year 8 months, prettaye boy. Love you manyzxc. We shall last forever! Sorry this week only can meet you on friday cause i was busy on weekends. I'm real sorry. We got alot of days together on dec! 

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