Saturday, November 19, 2011


Can't sleeeeeep! Dieeee! Today(Yesterday) in school is awesome, because I had awesome classmates. I mean, for some only uh. Best out of the best, same team with fath & sihao. Love it! They both do work & they helps & joke around too! Though i not so understand today problem, but i'm happy! After school went off w Abel & meet boy! First time boy communicate w my friend! :D I'm so happy or even vvv happy that boy can communicate w my bestfriend. You know what feeling is the best? Is when your boyfriend communicate well with your bestfriend. Idk why, but is true. :D Drop off at bishan & abel continue to town. :) 

Headed to Old Airport Road & boy eat his prawn noodle & I eat my beancurd! Forever not sian one! Love it ttmzxc! Help Edna buy tooooo! Heavy die me. Saw shihui that '矮冬瓜' there! Kay lah, i also not that tall. Then went home because too heavy liao. :( Lazy walk. I can't wait time to reach 8am! Seriously, i want tmr to come sia! TSK! Gonna sleep sooooon! Recently boyfriend so sweet, dk why. Got some reason. Hmmm. 

1 year 8 months next weeeeeek! I love you, nyl, my boyfriend, my future husband, my future kid's daddy. :D

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