Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just Only You.

Spend my time for him before intern starts. Btw, I'm so happy k! Cause I changed company. Blah, long story. Hope got a better company that doesn't give me work on weekend. PRAY.
Went to market with mammy ysd and my LO called said they will find a suitable company for me. HAPPY OR WHAT. But then... Worry for weekends again or pay less. :( Burden sia me. Went to meet bb at bugis and had our buffet! Not really that nice but eat till damn bloated. Went off to bugis walk awhile and bb keep nagging he wanna eat ramen. FAT DIE HIM! HEHE. Went to buy his ramen and headed back home because i nag again I want go back home nua. Went back his house nua till 8 plus and headed to tamp mall to eat to celebrate his sis's birthday! :) Asked bb go back home first instead of sending me. :D Good girlfriend right? HEHE. Weekdays started again. Okcan. Shall enjoy another 3 days holiday before start working! Wish me goodluck!!

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