Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2nd day of his fieldcamp

Had exam early today and seriously it sucks maximal can. I need to force myself to wake up to go bath and prepared for ut early in the morning. After ut went to have breakfast together with hock at mac & went back to school to find joshua! But end up.... He seriously abandoned both of us alone and go teach a zhabo lo. *THUMB UP* This kind of goodfriend. Waited for ct & k to come and went to see them eat! Went to have our 2nd ut paper and hock drove us to woodland inter. Thanks! :D Headed home and rest. HEHE.

Hi bb, today is seriously a tiring day. I hope i won't fail my ut paper. :( Today is 2nd day. I got no other choice other than waiting for you right? That is the only choice i had right now. WAIT LO! I preferred talking to you on phone tmr after your fieldcamp. I'll be waiting your calls okay? Love you many.

Was reading my history much. & realize so much changes on me. Maybe? Maybe not. Much more independent as before, aren't me? But still as stupid as ever. HAI. Is okay. Xiguan le. Was talking to one of my closest friend about relationship. Is sucha confusing thing on earth isn't it? Trust is so fragile. Once you break it, you'll never find it back. Though i mouth say i trust him. But i really afraid losing him. Who don't? I worry i will never find sucha guy anymore in my life that will tolerate my everything. So true that hock said :"不会生气的男人一旦生气,是生很大的气。" So true. Because bb changed so much after his army life but still so forgiving towards me. GOOD GIRL HARD TO FIND K. Esp those girls who can able to wait throughout NS life. Not I said! Is my best friend that said this to me. Is a guy. :) I manage to wait. Though sometimes i see couples together hughug or whatever, i will tend to miss him, why isn't him with me right now. Feel so insecured. But is really amazing that, when he's with me, i feel so safe, so down to earth, everything seems to be perfect even though we quarreled at times. But i feel safe enough. I hope i will not have this feeling again after his NS. Only hope in his life, there will only be me that he love. I mean, girlfriend, wife, those type! :) I know he'll right? HEHE. 2 more days to 1 year 11 mths! BYE PEEPS!

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