Monday, February 13, 2012

Course begans

Photo Courtesy: daisymeadows
Today went out with mammy for movie, We Not Naughty. And went shopping with her. Is awesome. But how I wish that bb was there with me too. Shall skip. Boyfriend had his Recee course begin today. The feeling is like, it went back to how i felt and used to be like how he first get into tekong. He seems to be busy. Yep, real busy. I do understand that he's busy because his course started. Kind of worried for him. But I believe that things will goes well even that it might be tough right? I'll keep on praying everyday just for him to be safe. People might not know, how scary is it to be in recee course. Last few months ago, had some conver with weisian and he wanted to be like my boyfriend which had the jungle hat. But for me, all I want is, boyfriend to be safe during the 60km routemarch with 30kg fieldpack and so on... Called bb just now and kind of feel miserable because i miss him so. Can I don't so miss him? I can't control myself not missing him. :( 

This relationship is like, i doesn't talk much with him ever since he's in army during weekdays except a few mins on phone but we still be as close as ever on weekends. Today idk why i tend to feel like crying when talking to him because his course started. Of course, i had to be strong in order for him to know i'm there for him. :) Think positive k!(Learn from we not naughty) JOKE. Kkkkk, Whatever it is... 

Dearest boyfriend, I know your course starts now. I know you had to walk 60km with 30kg fieldpack in 2 to 3 weeks time. I know you'll be busy during weekdays in army and i know you need me to understand all sort of reason. I'll k. Don't need worry about me. But whatever reason you do in your camp, no matter when you're sad, angry, or any sort of reason, please think of the 后果 before doing it. Remember 你是有老婆的人! HEHE. 那我就拜托 mt they all 好好照顾你了! I know you PES A lah, no need haolian to me k. I still need you to be safe. I hate to see you injured your leg ever since you get into army. Another 7 months to go. Jiayou. 1 & a half month before you end this course. Be super strong k? 我会做你背后的女人支持你. But you must promise me you'll be safe for this few months and learn something better while going through all this difficulties in this course. 记得,不用担心我,我会照顾自己。Please eat well, sleep well. 我答应你这一个月半不会随随便便找你吵架。End this course after 30 March I treat you eat hao de! Promise you. As long as you promise me, don't be stubborn, do eat(GOOD OR BAD ALSO MUST EAT), do sleep well. I'll treat you eat something goooooood! :) As for your LV wallet, i really want to save for you and buy for you. I don't want you to think you're the same. I know you don't want it anymore because you just want to see my actions. No matter is mont blanc, LV, gucci, i'll buy as long as you'll feel you're the only one i treated like this k! 只要是我能做到的,我会。只要你不要觉得我的生命里有别人的存在。你是最重要的。小心,加油。。

xoxo, NYL's

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