Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy yet worried.

Went out with mammy & her friend today to chinatown today. Had their nails done and went off to shop. HEHE. Went to buy their air ticket to hainan island. Muahaha. Had a hard time persuading them to get tues-sat so that i can stay at bb's house on friday. I'm sucha pro right? :p But that is what I do when i wanna to stay w bb okay! But end up they get wed-sun. Ain't me happier?! ^^ Get my intern at hiSoft Singapore Pte Ltd. A lil worry tmr. :( Hope will be good for me for the 1 & half month? Pay is sucha low too. Sadist sia. NVM. Got money buy LV wallet for bb. But then... buy liao jiu no money for myself liao lo. CUI. Lets think see got what else I can do. HEHE. Went to have our early dinner and headed home. Shall sleep early later on at 10. Need to wake up tmr at 6. Seriously I think will die tmr. Blahhhh. Jellybear still having his 1 day fieldcamp. Hope he faster back & talk to me. Miss him till death. Hope things goes well for him today! 
It took 17 years for me to met you.
It took my heart to be broken before you appeared.
But I knew that you'll always be the one that love me more 
than anyone else in this world other than my family. 
xoxo, NYL's. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Is so much better to have you around.

Bored till can die. Woke up this morning & went to bangkit and find mammy for lunch. :) Good daughter right?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just Only You.

Spend my time for him before intern starts. Btw, I'm so happy k! Cause I changed company. Blah, long story. Hope got a better company that doesn't give me work on weekend. PRAY.

Friday, February 24, 2012

I want spend more time with you.

Photo Courtesy: goddamnyourebeautiful
I think today is my worst day ever. 

It kills to miss you so much.

Photo Courtesy: sinkyourteethintoforever
Went to find mammy lunch today and headed to school for ut! Happy that it's our last ut for this sem! Headed out with caiting, kelly, annhock and joshua. Watched 'This Means War' with them. Separate seats with the guys because no seats liao. Seriously is awesome! :D The storyline is good and we have a fun time laughing inside the cinema. HAHA! DAMN FUNNY! Sometimes, love seem to be a choice for some people, if I ever was a choice, i'll choose to leave rather than letting someone choose me.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2nd day of his fieldcamp

Had exam early today and seriously it sucks maximal can. I need to force myself to wake up to go bath and prepared for ut early in the morning. After ut went to have breakfast together with hock at mac & went back to school to find joshua! But end up.... He seriously abandoned both of us alone and go teach a zhabo lo. *THUMB UP* This kind of goodfriend. Waited for ct & k to come and went to see them eat! Went to have our 2nd ut paper and hock drove us to woodland inter. Thanks! :D Headed home and rest. HEHE.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

First day of my UT, and your fieldcamp

Photo Courtesy: daviewin
Had ut today, braces appointment, meet ct, k & fengjie for breakfast. Then after school went for facial with mammy. Seriously can pain die. Back home study now. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Running out of energy

Photo Courtesy: foreveryourquotes
Went work today and seriously is taking away all of my energy. I feel so tired, like ttmzxc. Wanna have a hug from bb to make me feel better. But since that he's not here, i want to hear his voice to make me feel so much better. Going to cook dinner and to study for tmr UTs. I'm just super tired. Seriously, there is too much thing i need to do and need to be done. I just get messed up and being indecisive of what should I do in order to save much more time. Shall wait for bb's call and i'll feel much more better. Doesn't want to write anymore. Bye. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

End of weekends again.


End of weekends again. Bb booked in naozxc and I going to work tmr and having UTs for the next coming 3 days. Like a cui sia. :( Don't want to, but I have to. Saturday need to go SIM again if i not free on friday then going to buffet and also my toy museum if can! Want to rest at home but we got no choice but to go out! HEHE. Is okay! :) Daddy mammy, sis & bro-in-law played mahjong today and mammy won $20 and give me! Hehe. Happy me. Shall slowly save money k! Why save to $600 is sucha hard thing sia! :( Is really a bad idea! Work already then slowly save during intern liao. Hoping the time now faster reach 31 March so that bb will end his course and also i going to end my intern by that time! Right now is just the beginning of the toughness for both of us. :(

Bb had been saying about what should we do or planning for our 2nd year anniversary. I can't think of anything yet. :( Call bb lets go to RWS for the korea bbq buffet! Still got my sashimi. Muahaha. :D That will be the best day ever! Hehe. 3 days 2 night for his outfield this week. Please stay strong okay! You can de! :) Though i feel a lil erxin to slp on mud, but he's stronger than i imagined..

I miss having you w me.


Photo Courtesy: illusivegoddess-in-pink-waters
Went interview ysd & hmmmmm.... Shall not say anymore. Was quite a disappointment to me. But whatever it is, i'm still happy k! I'm really glad that ct&k waited for me and worry for me without bb's presence. Went to eat with them at chinatown and went to town shop shop! Suddenly remember i never buy anything for bb during valentine day but only a card. Feel guilty and went to buy A&F tee for bb. HEHE. I don't bear to buy exex things for myself but i bought exex shirt for bb k! See I so goooooood! ^^ Walk, eat then suddenly bb called. Headed back home & bathed then went off to lrt to meet bb! Gave him the shirt & happy that he like it! :D 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First day of work

Photo Courtesy: abcaseydef
Went work at gombak area because of my aunty recommended. Data entry! Like a shiok. Bb must be happy for me because is the job that i had been wanting everytime! :D Even though i get to know him through a job that i doesn't like so much? No, should say that, I v afraid of being alone without people. Bb has been nagging me to work w him but wo bu yao. HEHE. Went to meet mammy for dinner and back home. Tired max. Going to sleep like a sooon. Sick just hao. Bb nagging why sick still go work. But you should know the reason I went work for this 5 days right? I wanna lessen your burden, i wanna buy your LV wallet. But you say you don't want, you want go oversea w me. Hao bah! Lets go phuket hao ma? I save money & we go phuket! :) Muahaha! Last year said want to go phuket, but end up didn't go because the flight is too ex for us already and you not sure. Now wait till you finish ORD we go! HEHE. Blah. Can't wait 2 days later see Mr Nai. Miss him so much..

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy valentine day!

Though today is valentine day, i dint spend it tgt w my boyfriend because he's in camp. But this only allow for in army k! Feel sad when ppl got bf gf during valentine, i dun have. :( sadist. Nvm. Celebrate belated kkkkk. >< i only allow you not around now! Not in the future ah! HEHE. Fall sick today too. Love sick? I guess so. Have to work tmr. Goodnight peeplos. :(

Happy valentine day baby. Though you cant spend it w me, we got a lifetime to. So next time must be w me! HEHE. I know you're damn tired because of the course. I do understand. Rest well baby. Love you many.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Course begans

Photo Courtesy: daisymeadows
Today went out with mammy for movie, We Not Naughty. And went shopping with her. Is awesome. But how I wish that bb was there with me too. Shall skip. Boyfriend had his Recee course begin today. The feeling is like, it went back to how i felt and used to be like how he first get into tekong. He seems to be busy. Yep, real busy. I do understand that he's busy because his course started. Kind of worried for him. But I believe that things will goes well even that it might be tough right? I'll keep on praying everyday just for him to be safe. People might not know, how scary is it to be in recee course. Last few months ago, had some conver with weisian and he wanted to be like my boyfriend which had the jungle hat. But for me, all I want is, boyfriend to be safe during the 60km routemarch with 30kg fieldpack and so on... Called bb just now and kind of feel miserable because i miss him so. Can I don't so miss him? I can't control myself not missing him. :( 

This relationship is like, i doesn't talk much with him ever since he's in army during weekdays except a few mins on phone but we still be as close as ever on weekends. Today idk why i tend to feel like crying when talking to him because his course started. Of course, i had to be strong in order for him to know i'm there for him. :) Think positive k!(Learn from we not naughty) JOKE. Kkkkk, Whatever it is... 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Boring Sunday

Very bored today! Went to market with mammy & daddy early in the morning and make me so pekcek. Back home and helped mammy & went to sleep while talking w bb. Tired max. Sorry for falling asleep. :( Ate dinner and pekcek much again. Seriously that aunty.... -.- Only bb know how much I hate her k. Had been nagging non-stop to bb and make me feel so much better by hearing his voice. HEHE. Bought fried popiah in the morning at oldchangkee because i missed bb's mammy de fried popiah! Everytime bb's mammy will fried for us eat whenever bb asked his mammy for it. HEHE. Feel guilty much because it need lots of work! Next time when I want to eat shall help his mammy make also! But my shyness. Hmmmmm. Chit chat with bb on phone while me having bad mood. Lucky got him to make me feel so much better! Sometimes, i wish i can tattoo his name so to remind myself how much i love him. Because i know that i'll never leave him, and i know that i'll never regret loving him. Even if the future, we doesn't make it together, the next boyfriend, must know that how much i'm in love with this guy. But anyway, we'll make it to the future together no matter how tough lah, based on our personality. HEHE.

My Valentine present for bb! :D Hehe. I know not perfect at all lah! :( But at least i make effort right for doing a handmade popup card for him. Seriously do you know how much effort i put in this card? Still got to openup inside, but inside too much things, sooooo..... You know.... :D HEHE. I know that bb had been nagging that it has been a long time since i ever do a proper card for him, so this time valentine i do a simple card for him! :) Hope you like it k! Still got 2 year anniversary & ord, there is something i always wanted to do for you. Please wait okay? :) I know you had lots of patience with me. Had been hugging my rabbit bear that bb bought for me to sleep this few days. HEHE. I love it k! :D

The rabbit bear that you bought for me.
I took this as your substitution.
I want a shoulder when you're not around. 
This one will be, a perfect one for me when you're not around.
But this will only last for 1 year kkkkk! 
I want you to be my side when i need you after ORD, not this.
xoxo, NYL'S

Im glad that you're the one.

Went to meet bb at bugis today. Dont say i not goood! Went to iluma and treated bb champion ramen! Ate what bb want me to eat while he eat his. Mine nicer than his! Muahaha! He had been complaining not nice and i had beem complaining stomach cramp. Went down to koi and bought his milktea. I treat again k? Aint me sweet for valentine day? Dint buy him anything but do him a pop up card! ^^ at least got effort k! :D

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Recee Course is beginning soon...

Photo Courtesy: canberry
Bb seems to have his training again today and I has been rotting at home for whole day. Like a sian. Caring enough not to disturb him. Even if I did, he also won't able to reply me or answer my call. Hehe. Xiguan jiu hao kkkkk! Had cried to sleep ysd while missing my camera. Shall wait replies from DM and see how they going to deal with it! Currently no camera to use anymore. Gonna use mammy de sony already when I go out.

Recee course is starting soon for bb. Or even started already? This 2 months seems to be the most fierce and he need to endure the most. I knew I can't do anything, but i hope he'll be stronger than before. :) I know he'll! Worried he might not eat when he go for outfield. His mouth like make of gold de sia! Valentine is coming next tuesday, but i can't able to spend it with bb because he had his army, valentine day also is nothing. Everyday is valentine as long we're together. I don't care! HEHEHE. Hope tmr bb will book out early and pei me!

Blah blah blah. Gonna cook dinner later on. So many things coming up soon. Valentine day, 1 year 11 month, internship, 2 years anniversaries. So fast, we're reaching 2 years. 未来的几十年,都一起过,好吗?

Feeling empty

Who could I blame when my camera was stolen? I feel so empty right now. Yes, i found, but is spoiled. Nothing could make me any happy other than my camera back to perfect condition that i used to have. You guys might think, just a camera, why so sad siol. HA HA. Yea, just a camera, but do you know how much money do boy used to buy this camera for me? How much effort he put into this just to see me happy & for my 2010 birthday present? Thanks thief, for spoiling everything, my mood, my camera, and of cause my heart. Seriously, i feel so damn disappointed and upset with myself right now. What else kills than this? I'm glad i gotten back my memory card. But sadly, not my camera. It's no longer perfect. Freaking hate myself for all this. So wanna cry again.

I hope he get his KARMA zillion times than what i suffering right now. I promise i will not soft-hearted. Since he dare to steal, i'll dare to report. 

Lastly, sorry to bb. :( I can't help but to feel sorry for losing camera, end up spoiled. Cried in the phone while talking with you, making you feel heartache by my cries. But I just can't help to feel angry w myself. I want my camera, so badly. 

Have you ever lose something that is so important to you that you cried and wanted it back badly? I do, right now, I really do.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bad Ending Of School!

Photo Courtesy: rpslee
Seriously i hate today! Though i quite enjoy myself at the beginning? Celebrated hock & fath's birthday earlier on and had breakfast with caiting, abel & sihao! Enjoyed. But when we came back for those pranking, cake is lost? My camera also lost? Started to panic and thought somebody took the cake and camera together. But realizing that no one took my camera but the cake? Jitao cried and went to the other empty classroom. Called caiting come and cried even jialat. Seriously, that camera is bb who bought it for me, how could i lose it? Cried like fuck and told bb i'm real sorry for losing the camera.

Went to security office there to request to check CCTV but seriously the service is slow. Went back to find dm and requested to ask the suspect down because we suspected someone who took it. He damn pro sia! Went in class and said he took a camera. Can told abel and sihao that he never took it and even if he took, camera also cannot see the angle. Seriously are he going to be kidding me? Thanks to Hock, Abel & Sihao for helping me talk. I also don't know why i jitao become speechless and dk how to say about how it happened. Went in room with Hock while Abel and sihao went back class for lesson. Wrote report and bb called. Talked to him and cried again. Jitao paiseh cried in front of hock. Tsk. Wrote report till half and that guy was behind us. A lil guilty plus scare but i also dk why i'm scare and guilty of when i'm the victim. Soft-hearted again lo! But i know i shouldn't be guilty about when i'm the victim!

Thing goes on and... i gotten my camera back! But sadly it's no longer working. Disappointment again. So i request i want compensation. HELLO? Is bb who bought for me, somemore is $269, do you expect me to let things go so easily? I'm real sorry if i caused him can't graduate or whatever shit, if he never hand so itchy, all this won't happen. Had listen to bb, mammy, hock, sihao and abel's advise and decide that, if he don't compensate me, i'll make police report towards that guy.

I really don't want to be so mean, if i bought it myself, maybe i won't. But it's a camera that bb bought me for my birthday. Even if lets say i make spoil myself, i'll blame myself. But no, is spoiled under other people hand, is a thief. I still take photo using my camera before that. Seriously? Back home and called mammy open door. By hearing my tone of calling, my mom asked me what happened and i told her whole story. Mammy also call me report. TSK. Wanna cry much. No appetite to eat today too. :( I'm really glad that bb din't blame me for losing the camera that he gave me. Kana scolded by burdens only people like me will feel guilty. Dumb or what? :( Really happy that i knew who is the one who cared, & who don't. Sad is, my camera is spoiled and idk what to do. :(

Really sorry to bb that i lost the camera and ended up spoiled in the thief's hand. I'm really sorry to bb. This is my birthday present 2 years ago, but i lost it. :( Sucha failure. But lucky i found it. Even though you din't blame me for it or saying it's okay, but i doesn't want to let this go so easily. It's you give me de present. You also said that he trying to steal something that is priceless. Bb, i'm sorry. I feel sad too. But lucky found it. Now still investigate. All I want is to get back my compensation. Sorry boy...

Speechless today. Thanks those peeps who helped me so much today. & ct who anwei me so much and give me a big hug while i was crying. I wanna faster get over with all this.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I don't know why do I still feel so much unhappiness right now. Had been being cold to him since i slept. He really been ridiculous last night which makes me fedup & ignored. But, how could you ignore someone you love when he can able to do it to you at times, but it seems a tough thing for me? Was still angry. But i played my itune, then this song played. "That's why you go away", "Ai hen jian dan". This both song, first song is, the song that we listened together when spending our first night at eastcoastpark talking, looking at stars, h2h talks, walking around. All this seems to be a part of memory that will never happen again in my whole life. 
Photo Courtesy: iloveyou9613
Mood wasn't good at all today. But somethings happened that which me damn angry about. But whatever it's, I angried, but I still love him. I just wanna stop myself from angrying. Whatever shit it takes, I still did hold on right? But it's just not my day.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A happy day ysd & sad day today

Ysd celebrating Joshua birthday & seriously is like a joke sia. Keep on drawing his face. Like a boss without him running away and let me draw, maybe is let us torture him! Given K&C see the video and seriously they thanks god we're girls! My birthday i din't kana anything, but their birthday kana till. Hmmm. TORTURE MAX. Lucky i'm girl. HEHE. But this year birthday, i was being warned. Ahem~ *CLEAR THROAT* Gastric ysd night till now, is really seriously can't say it out to mammy. Else my ear cannot maintain.