Monday, January 9, 2012

I hate the idea of anyone else having you.

School basically having fun today. Keep on talking nonsense with sihao & abel till i can laugh till die. Had early lunch with them. During ppt was so damn bored till steven, hanwai & me was playing bingo using paper. Like a fun only. Played till last team end up kana caught. TSK. Then went off together with abel, joshua, annhock, hanwai & yuni to woodland mrt. Was talking with abel along the way. Headed to meet mammy at bpp bus stop & headed to chinatown. 

Was queuing up for dinner end up half way later my gastric wasn't that pain but head was freaking dizzy, wanted to vomit. Keep on wanted to faint. Sit down and up again. Was my turn then bth, call mammy go take the foooood. :( Damn sucky! Lucky after i ate i feel so much better. Walked awhile & shopping with mammy! Love mammy ttmzxc! Went home at 9 plus. 

Can't wait to see you again on wed. I so wanted to stay overnight again. It was fun to have you whole night talking nonstop till we fallen asleep & bringing me out for supper or breakfast. Had some talk with abel today. & he said 'You both pattern, no matter what will still together one lah.' Hehe. We both knew that, we're too stubborn to say sorry, but yet we want to stick together because we know we will never give up. :)

Doing pineapple tarts this friday & gonna do alot for us, sis, classmates, boyfriend & 1 of mammy friend which is my favourite aunty! 

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