Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chu San!

Start of school already is like a sian. :( Ysd went to nanny's house then went to ahma's house. Gamble with cousin end up cousin lose. HEHEHE. Then weiwei korkor fetch me to mrt with his sport car! Like a boss sia! Hahaha! Then went to take bus to bb's house. Slacked & he sprained his neck earlier on. Keep on disturb him and turning his neck left and right! Damn funny! HEHE. K lah, not purposely to see you in pain de k! :D See I so good. Your wife. HEHEHE. Went back home at 11 plus. Like a miss him. 

Today woke up at 11 plus and went to prepare and headed off to school for my evaluation. Lucky still okay with it! After that went to do my card again at DBS with abel. Thanks for accompany me! Muahahaha! Headed back home after that & had my first lunch cum dinner! 2 more days schooling before weekends come again. #likeacui. I want more holiday! Miss my mr nai so muchzxc. Blah~! Byeeeeee! :D 

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