Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ending of year 2 sem 2...

Last few days had been chiong-ing my assignment in school with hock they all. Even forgotten to eat. Like the wtf, some of my burdens even turn ill. Seriously jan, please maintain ah. Even no time buy new year clothes. Still left 1 more dress leh. :( Emo Shit. This sem, is ending soon. It seems like I enjoy almost everyday in class ever since it started.. 

Say hi to my beloved classmate! Well, I hope to call bb into this photo but, everything happened like a sec of time. It happened on my bday! :) This is not all of my classmate lah. Got 3 malay like fath, yuni & seha never come, & another 1 chinese stupid steven pei girlfriend on a friday & sacrifices me! But is alright k! I understand! :) Girlfriend come first! Hey, bb, please rmb. :p Hmm. Where should i start from? From top left to right: Sihao, joshua & hanwai, bottom left to right: Abel, ME!, Annhock. They had been awesome friends and given so much awesome memories to me in schoool! No need think i'm a flirt which take pic with so many guys kkkkkk! I'm consider half women to them, i guess? HAHA! Bb knew all of them! & heard too much abt them from me! 

Start from Annhock, the year 1 sem 2 class! He's a damn gentleman close friend of mine which forever offers to drive me to woodland! #likeapro & of cause, we built our friendship together with caiting & Kelly! He's like a xiaodidi to me even though he's older than me. But of cause, never forget, i forever give him advise on relationship or on his shop. HEHE! :) 

Second, Joshua! The open house friend i know! Super burden and forever talk english! Somemore still act one bro here & there w bb! #likeajoke! But well, he had been teaching me studies so much whenever i don't understand! He seems to be the joker in class. & of cause! He's smaller than me by a year which makes me feel like a sis! Muahahaha! :D 

Thirdly, of cause never forgets my 2 burdens, abel & sihao! I knew at times i had been throwing temper on them whenever i not happy with and make them forgive me and don't take it to heart! I really appreciate it! Of cause, I will never forget the night where they drink drank drunk w me & my boyfriend during my birthday & seriously, I'm super happy that they can talk like soccer, gamble & whatever shit! :) After all, this friendship, i hope don't end when we end this sem. 

Lastly, hanwai?? Hmmmmmmm...... But well, he's a friend that i treated fairly w fath, steven, yuni & seha! Appreciated so much whenever they helped me! :) 

Well, even we changed class, i will never forgets those awesome memories w this class. :) Not forgetting the awesome night they helped me celebrate my birthday w bb! I will never forget how they chat with bb which make me feel sucha relieve that, my good friends are actually good w bb. 

This one full semester, thanks for the awesome memories and those tolerance for my nonsense in class! :) 

beloved burdens of theirs. 
My name ain't Bebe, ain't JunTing but burden. 

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