Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chinese New Year Resolutions!

#likeabored now because all people playing mahjong at my house & dajie & jiefu going to eat second round dinner with jiefu family! #likeacui. Leave me alone at home now fking bored like helllll! Tmr is chinese new year already! Prepare to take hongbao already? Muahahaa! Took 3 angbao already & big sis rise her pay again & her one month pay is $10k. #likeaboss I want toooooo! Must work damn hard to strive for this kind of future! Of cause, new year resolution is up! Hope I can do it! Blah blah! Shall post tmr again! Bb is having his awesome dinner w his family! :D Shall wait for him to be back. Lastly, I saw 2 rainbow straight in 2 days! Like a shiok or what! Lucky max! I'm so happpppy! :)

In this coming chinese new year! I hope things will change for me and is also a new beginning year for me to grow up. Things changed, human changed, but me, i still had to adapt to the surrounding and do what I should do or even telling myself what I should do! I shall not let anything to destroy what I want. Happy Chinese New Year Eve peeplos! :D

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