Sunday, April 1, 2012

Keep me safe.

Had extremely fun today with boyfriend! Though he is very irritating. :/ 

Met boyfriend at tanah merah afternoon & had our lunch buffet at momoya! Nice max k. Spammed 4 plates of salmon. I think I ate salmon more than other foooood. FULL DIE ME! Bought lunch for bb's mammy & bused back to his house & watched my show. Sadist that they never get together. :( Fate is toying with people feeling. TSK. Bb's mammy then spammed me with lots of taiwan foood that bb's sis bought from taiwan. LIKE A ALOT! Extremely funny when I saw this : 
Like a joke & seriously awkward die me when bb took this in. HEHE. Tried & quite nice. But is damn big k. Sound damn wrong. Kstop. Bb fallen asleep & trying to wake him up by give him fan & aircon together & took blanket w me. HEHEHE. End up he woke up, i fallen asleep. TSKKKKK. Slept awhile & headed out to tamp. Had absolute thai for dinner. Full die me. Then bb went to pasar malam & find food again. Dk he pig or what. Eat nonstop. Walked & headed back home. Otw back was telling boy about those unhappy things that I kept it to heart about my family, about those regrets, those hatred. & somehow I don't know why, my tears choked up & my eye get teary. Doesn't want him to worry & just control it. I hate, but I never forget the pain it brought to me. I never forget how the fire left a big scar to my heart, how love makes me lose faith each & every time.

Thanks for the unlimited love that you give. I knew that I wasn't a good girlfriend like you said. I knew you're joking, but is true lahhhh. You said you will never get sick of me and appreciate me waiting for you for almost 2 years (5 more months to go). You knew I get paranoid much after you come out from the society. You knew that I'm someone that want a perfect family, believing that every guys can 'run lion' except for my family. But I was extremely wrong. Being too naive, being too easily hurt is really bad. You said that i'm the kind that guys wanna protect. Or maybe only you want nah. HEHE. But those love you gave, seems to be too perfect that I wanna to be prepared, what if one day you get sick of me or got too much temptation outside world. This world, has too much temptation, but never risk love for like. Maybe there is stupid people who did. Your course ended, right now, you aint completely mine, still had to wait till ORD. 5 more months, i'm still waiting. Everyday, i'm waiting for weekend, at least that is the time that I can be totally myself. :) See you soon, love. 

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