Sunday, April 8, 2012

Up & Down

I want to love you like the way you love me. 

Finally things are better. Sometimes, things just get better or more lovely after the breakups/quarrels. In the past, i used to be stubborn on things that I want to do & end up hurting lots of people around me by my stubborness. But that was when i'm a young teenager. I'm almost going to adult yet acting like a kid. LOL. I don't want to give things up so easily when everytime things get harder. Blah, it was me that react this way. But sometimes I just want to scare him what is the feeling without me to know if he cared for me. He is really a good guy, I can't possible just let go just because he hurt me for the effort that i done for him. At that moment of time, I wanted to just walk away & forgetting that we're once together for 2 years. But the fact that I can't. 

Sometimes, actions show everything. But words are the one that hurts. I never been so hurt like what I suffered on wed-fri. Any part of my body is breaking, esp my heart. I don't know how it react to ache so badly. But it kills alot. I thought of just walking off thinking, 2 years are just nothing. But there is too much things we gone through together, that I'm not going to go through this together with other people anymore but him. What happened, I no longer can said it. But only work close friends know what happened. Glad that everything is fine. We must be look like a idiot that keep quarreling during weekdays & my friends is seeing my mood goes up & down. 

Your words are damn mean, damn hurtful. I knew that from 2 years ago. But I din't know that it can hurt so badly. I knew that if I really love you, I will never give up so easily by the small mistake that you done to hurt me. You suffered enough for all those pain within that 3 days. I'm sorry too, for being like a kid. I love the us right now. Maybe it just last for a day, maybe everyday the happiness level is different, but what I had gone through together with you, in the future, I just don't want to go through that with anyone again. Saying forever is too far from us, but I just wanna to keep loving & forgiving for the right and wrong..

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