Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thank you, really.

Thankyou boy, for all your effort, everything. 

Headed to pp ysd & had chickenrice for lunch cum dinner. Walked & went challenger to buy mammy's battery. Went to best denki & boy went off to watch his soccer & I was staying at piano side playing my kiddy song. Randomly a denki staff came over & I thought that I should stop playing or whatsoever or he came to promote it? Stopped & he said :"Nonono, can continue playing." Seriously? Was afraid & looking out for boy but he MIA. Tsk. Talk nonsense w that guy & I was trying my way to escape. & He told me :"Did you come w any guy? Because just now got a white tee guy at that side was looking at you." SERIOUSLY? Paranoid much & knowing that it wasn't boyfriend because he wore black. Out of sudden, boy called me so loud & ran over to boy. HEHE. Much escape by that scary denki staff. Boy was happily saying me and asking me not to be stupid if any guy like this chatted w me. Of cause I know! I was trained well by him okay! :D Watched battleship & is awesome! Headed to kfc to see him eat dinner & headed home! 

Met precious boy at Ikea this afternoon at 12. Had a hard time waking him & end up calling his sis to wake him up. Sorry! :( Had our lunch & went back home instead of swimming! Worry that it might rain again. End up no rain! TSK! Played laptops but end up he was randomly telling me about his future, our future. Randomly that he said that, he will team w girls if there is project. K, I knew that it's a must to team w girls because it's the fact that girls will do things instead of guys. But .... What if he accidentally fallen in love w other girl? What if it's a bitch? Ohmy, so many images coming up flooding in my mind and end up tearing and afraid of losing him. 

He thought that I was angried at him & end up being shocked that I cried & hugged me & blaming himself for his insensitiveness. Or maybe is too much insecures. Maybe I should trust him more right? I need so much so much courage to trust someone more than how much i did right now. Is really very hard to believe guys won't fall for seductions. Take the 44 men & a slut for example. If guys ain't that bastard, girl aint that bitch/slut, this won't happen right? TSK. It makes me so hard, so hard to believe there will be good guy even he's good enough. Is really damn hard for me to let go of my insecurities. Ohyea, I do fear, but at least I will never control. I learnt my mistakes. :) Had been telling myself, if he were to betray, i might as well let go a jerk. But the fact can't change that I can't helps to depend so much on him. :( 

Tearing nonstop & end up he allowed me to do anything as long as I smile. HEHE. So requested to tickle him for 2 minutes and he can't stop me. HEHE. Laugh die me. Ended up playing wrestling w him till i almost sprain my neck when he threw me down from high up. TSK. My neck almost breaking. Headed out to tampines mart for dinner & bused to tamp to find my swimming suit. Went sport link & bought 1 at $32. Wanted to pay but boy said he bought for me as my motivation to swim & slim as long as I want. Feel guilty max & worried about his wallet. :( I dislike whenever I want something, he'll always get it for me as long as he had the ability to, & forgotten about himself. Headed back to woodland and went to buy dessert for daddy mammy & went to pasar malam walk. HEHE. 

Imagine me without you just make me fear so much and teared for no reason. I just worried that my future, you won't be there anymore. Was arguing w you about 'SHOE'. I knew that you're much more clever in saying nonsense than me and I will never win you w my insecurities. I want to be a better girl for you & the better girl that you'll said that you're the most blissful man in this world to have me like you said this to me today & before. I want to be the one&only girl that you're proud to have. Thank you, for everything you did for me. Enough le, I will get it myself if I need anything! I worried about your pocket too. I don't want my boy to stave! Love you manyzcx, for tolerating my everything & playing w me like a kid, accepting me. THANKYOU, LOVE.

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