Watched twilight ysd(saturday) & is really amazing! Make me teared. I mean, the saddening part where jacob thought that Bella was dead. Isn't it sad, when the person you loved like for 2 years or more & she's the one that give you hope yet she love another man, & she is having another guy babies, then, she just dead, because of the baby. It just kill jacob that much that, he can't have her, but he's connected with her. Really kill me much when watching this show & get emotional. HEHE! I want to be as blissful as edward & bella, I want boy to love me as much as edward love bella. It's like, how amazed that i met him just like how amazed that bella met edward. Though it was just a show, but, it's so touching! :D:D:D Some people are meant to be together, no matter what happen. Too early to say that, we're just together for 1 year gg 9 months, but, i felt like, he's totally the one who understand most.
Headed back to boyfriend's house & slept on bus. Jitao sleep like free siaaaa. Even can slide down the chair yet i still want to sleep. Lucky boy pull me up again at his shoulder & continue sleep till reach his house. Reach his house jitao so awake. BURDEN. End up nua-ed & headed out to drink our paradise inn souppp! YUMMY YUMMY! Recently keep eat 1 meal, dk is i kisiao or what. TSK! Ate dinner & headed to tamp walk! Like a bored. End up both of us kisiao. Dk why. LOL! Headed to woodland & walked awhile before heading back home. Seriously! We both are crazy till we play in front of the crowd! This stupid boy still 'comb' my head! TSK! Keep on bullying him non-stop. Tgt with him really can laugh my 6pack out already. HEY BOY, You're lucky my 6pack haven come out yet. Arbo you will jealous. HEHE! Played enough & headed back home! Can't wait to see him again on tuesday! :D Lucky my swollen eye hao already! Happy me! :)
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