Sunday, December 18, 2011

Buffet At TripleThree!

Had our triple three buffet! Bb brought it earlier on & went today! YUMMY! But not as yummy as carlton hotel one! HEHE! Happpy max & full max! TSK! Keep on spamming salmon & there don't have bb's oyster. :( What a fruitful day!! 

Really is happy! So many many yummy foooood & me & bb keep on playing around. TSKKKKKK. Forever kid. I mean, HIM! PS: See already bu yao hungry! Not all fooood! Too many to take already! :D Happpppy! I miss salmon again! :( 
Christmas tree balls & inside got us! WAKAKAKA! 
In mandarin hotel lift! 
Nua till take picture inside mandarin hotel after our buffet!

Headed off at 230 & went to sit sit at mandarin gallery. Then headed to cine buy ghost protocol tickets at 915pm. Like a late only. :/ Went to walk walk & saw ShiJie & WeiLi! Walked w them awhile & we went off cause i want to go other places! HEHE. Went to walk till like a cui & went back mandarin gallery sit again. Fallen asleep awhile & headed to lucky plaza shared dinner w bb then headed for movie! :D Not so really nice because no ending! :( Blahhh. Happy today! Can't wait for my birthday celebration next friday! :D Byebi! End w my fav boy pic. 
Thanks for tolerating my everything. Love you manyzxc k. 有时候我会无理取闹,可是是因为你而让我无理取闹。我知道我还没有长大。我答应你,终有一天我会长大的。PS: I know I owe you a branded wallet lah! :D Wait next year after i internship kay? I promise to get for you before you ORD. :) Love you manyzxc. OI, I buy you Mont Blac or Gucci or LV okay. I know you want it alot. First guy i gonna buy branded wallet for! :D Kai xin mah? But must wait. :( HEHE. 

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