My super big gift right! :D LOL! Super heavy sia! Dk they put gold or what. Will be good if is gold! :p
Jitao tired till sit down & open my big big gift from them! A lil excited ahhhh! :P
Then... Headed to watch rainforest show. Seriously, we only watched one show because we're too hot & tired till 3 of us jitao keep kp here & there liao. Sweating like dk what!! Then end up walked awhile & seeing animal! Smelly till....
Took photo with giraffe because this stupid girl keep on saying she want to see giraffe. Dk how many years she never see tio giraffe alr. One giraffe beside her everyday she also cannot see. *SAD* LOL! Jitao she take this photo make me laugh. Take finish alr then she said :"WAHLAO, NI DE SHOULDER SUPER WET SIA". OI! Like your shoulder not wet! Sweat like dk what! All of us sticky & tired till can die.Forced to take this photo & being threatened by them because they said that 'BIRTHDAY GIRL HAD TO TAKE'. Jitao use 'BIRTHDAY GIRL' & shoot me. Kay loh. You two wait. Not like we only got 1 year birthday each. This is the second time they celebrating birthday for me! So sweet right? Hehe. Don't jealous. They love me the mostttttt! ^^ Still got many years to come. You two xiao xin yi dian. I will revenge de!
Went to eat at xin wang hk cafe & tired till can die. Forced to take picture alone because they said i was 'BIRTHDAY GIRL'. Threatened! Idiot!! Shall revenge next year for them! HEHE! :D
Had our late lunch at northpoint & we are hungry like dk what. Or maybe we're not hungry, is tired more than hungry! :D Love them ttmzxc. Forever making me laugh & joke around! BLAHHH. Forced to take photo alone again! SKIPPED!
Walked awhile & headed to mccafe to get some drinks then headed back home! Tired ttmzxc! Went back & open up my present to get a clear see what is inside! They're seriously sweeeeeet till, i'm speechless already! First present - Cotton on spag. They knew that I want to buy it long ago but end up i brought the another flowery spag & end up never buy the black spag. Then that time i thought K wanted to buy the spag, but they bought it for me de! TSK! I really is dumb till can die. Second present - Long sleeve top. They bought it at gmarket & 3 of us had the same top. Sweeeet tilll! :D Love them many! Third present - RUBBER BAND! Is beside the spag lah! Hmmm. I also don't know why they bought it for me. Maybe because I got long hair? HEHE! Hmm. The rest... Need a bigger view...
They are damn pro! Can you see how many sweet & candies they bought it for me?? Forth present - 2 mabelline lip balm! Maybe they knew that i got dry lips & often C always scold me why my lip always 'duo bi'. TSK! Same as my boyfriend! Fifth present - 2 pocky!! Idk they want me fat till die or what? HEHE. Sixth Present - SWEEEEETS! They jitao spam sweets inside the box sia! Vit C sweet & the Milky sweet plus the bear sweets! TSK! I think i should better bring to genting eat alr. One big box of sweeeet sia!!! They want me diabetes also not like this de. HEHE! JOKING! I really like the way they give present to me kay! Simple yet so much surprise inside! :D Last but not least! I got birthday letter! Not card lah! :D Sweeeeet! But C's letter was lost so she owe me one better next time! :D
Done with today! :D Shall eat dinner sooooon later! Tired ttmzxc! Thanks C&K for the presents & the effort you both put in. I knew that I was the smallest & I wasn't a good girlfriend to you all & always love to purposely make you both angry or agitates you both. But you both knew that I love you both alot & I really love those presents that you both gave me. There is more birthday in the next coming years for us right? :) Love you both manyzxc!
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