Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Weehee! It's my birthday today! Had celebrated ysd at festive hotel and of cause I thanks bb for opening hotel for me & also this beloved present from him! Thanks those who came & also those gift from them! A lil hangover but shag max! :(

Meet bb in the morning ysd at tamp & headed over to sentosa for our festive hotel! :D Shiok max. Then slack for awhile before heading out to vivo to buy drinks! A lil rushed over to sentosa because qi & ignatius reached! Then bb's siblings also came! :D Soon then joshua, annhock & hanwai came then shihui & her bf then of cause my burdens! Abel & Sihao! Played poker & so damn funny! :D Bb's siblings left first. Then played poker with them & running man. Seriously joshua is trying one to make us laugh & trying to make bb as his good bro! Wakakaka. Laughed till I die. Cut cakes & chitchat! :D 
Me & bb this photo look damn weird. Shall skip. :( 
Me & Shiqi! 12 years of friendship! I'm really glad that she came w ignatius! 
 Me & shihui! :D
 Of cause I never forget my beloved classmates!
From left to right,
Front : Abel, me, AnnHock
Back : SiHao, Joshua, Hanwai
Soon then annhock, joshua & hanwai go already, then qi & ignatius, then shihui & her boyfriend. ENd up left me, bb, abel & sihao! Seriously at first i thought that it will be awkward enough for bb but end up it don't! We played vodka with coke for poker & like a joke! The one we think won't drunk end up being drunk, the one who we thought will drunk never drunk! End up abel being drunk! It's really damn awesome that bb & 2 of my best burdens can seriously talk alot sia! :D 
Told you! Seeeee! bb & sihao! 
Aint awesome when your bestfriend & bf can talk along?
 Semi drunk? Or drunk? I alr forgotten!

Both of them went off at 2am & me & bb went slp & nua till 1230! Tired max! Headed to dk what museum! Fun or what! :D Had been rounding around the museum & played! 
The person playing ipad? WAHAHAHA! Put ipad at hotel else i sure call bb act! 
 Me & .... Shall skip. 
 Wakaka! Bb trying to bet w me see whose item is more expensive! End up still bb lose! :D My one so chio! 508 & somemore is the most expensive over there! HAHA! :D 
Headed to take bag & went back vivo eat lunch then headed home. Tired max! Had dinner w mammy & i gg sleeep soooooon. Tmr meeting bb for christmas day! 

To my dearest bb, thanks for helping me celebrate my first birthday party! Seriously, i know is suaku. But, thanks bb for helping me celebrating & thanks bb, sihao & abel for making it so fun behind! Of cause thanks those who came & those presents! :D Of cause i appreciated so much things that is being done. I really enjoyed my birthday this year, seriously, alot! I got bb, got bestfriend helping me celebrate! Just that lack of C&K! :( I'm so happy this year! :) Of cause, i thought that bb will be awkward because he first time know all of my close friend that i had keep talking to him abt. But it don't! Joshua can talk to bb like dk how many years friends, still call bro when he lose sia! FUNNY MAX. Abel & sihao can talk so many things w bb when we're semi drunk! Casino, soccer, many many more! Thanks bb, damn muchzxc! Love you manyzxc! Really surprised that my used to be bestfriend or even can counted as now did msg me and wish me! :D Happy max! Thanks 'daddy'! :) Though things changed, but after all, he is still the only one that i'm close with till now! :D 
Thanks all! :D of cause, my boyfriend! 

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