Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Self-declared holiday for tmr because too lazy to study for MIS! :x Going to head to tamp to see doctor then going town with bb tmr! Got good news & bad news! :/ Good news is, i'm celebrating birthday with bb & my friends! :D Bad news is, bb wasted money to book it for me. :( Told him not to book already. Tsk! So called all my close close friend! But c&k cannot come because c gg oversea & k don't dare come alone w all she dk de. :( So.. Okay loh. :) Hope they don't last min dua me! Happy little girl. This friday going zoo with c&k to celebrate my birthday! I had a big big smile on my face! Weeheeee. Blahhh. Nothing to do now. Bb having his training naozxc. Bored max!

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