Sunday, July 1, 2012

2 months & 2 weeks more for ORD.

Straight 2 months & 2 weeks for the boy ORD. Like a finally you know? I have been waiting for this day ever since we have been together. When we first met, become friends, fall in love, be together, & his time wasn't much for me. Idk is it better when he had his army delayed from june to sept is good one or a bad one. The 2 years, doesn't get any shorter, it is really damn tough for me at 18 years old, to adapt him going army when he's 20. Imagine when I was relying on him all along, suddenly there is no one to rely on. Tough enough, but still i make it till now. 
I'll always remember what that group of people said when me & boy was staying overnight at eastcoast park just to see stars. I know is stupid, but is really what he give me when no one can give me before. I don't know how we make it back then. 2 years, almost over. Really, finally is going to end soon. I don't know is a good thing or a bad thing. Even if after his army ends, I still HAVE TO wait for him for another 3 years for his studies. I guess I'm not going to further up my studies after my diploma life anymore. Perhaps, maybe when one day I feel like studying again & have the motivation to study again? HAHA.

Have been thinking of what me & his sis chatted before ysd. In a relationship, you will never get bored of being with each other. Yea, provided with the right person. Yep. Together with boy, even though is tough, but yet I knew that I'm really happy with him. I'm guilty that last year went genting is his mom that paid for me. I gonna promise myself to treat them better in the future. 2 years ending soon, there comes the 3 years again. 

I'm afraid of all those changes. Those fear that are in me. I don't know how to say it out, but he knew it can alr. We'll be able to survive through. We will, right? 

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