Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy for myself! I found a 2 days job as a part-time art teacher at mayflower primary school on wednesday & thursday! This is my goal all along & I gotten what I want! 2 days I also happy k! :D Just wanna share this big big joy. :)

Ysd boy is sweet, before i went to sleep, he msg-ed me 'My life goal is to see you happy and safe!' Ain't he sweet at times? Though at first I bought a Gucci wallet for him and he dint appreciate it, right now, once his hand is slightly dirty, he die also won't touch his wallet. HEHE. Sometimes, i wonder why he so annoying, but sometimes so adorable! :D HEHE. But that's the boy I love isn't it? There is once, I was too heartbroken & angry at him, so I chatted w one of my bestfriend, & she told me, 'You want to leave, but you can't, isn't it?' After this sentence, I cried. Not because I can't leave, is because I love him so I choose not to.

When you love someone, you'll never leave, no matter how hard the situation is, never leave. 

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