Friday, May 25, 2012

Sissy pregnant! :D


i’m the stuffed bunny in this situation 
Have been busy for the past few days, schooling, planning K's birthday, going out w K&C & etc. Tired muchzxc. Today went to bugis w mammy to meet sissy & bro-in-law. Good news that sissy told us is she's pregnant! Mammy & I was still telling sissy :'Don't joke lah. Serious anot?!' End up she really got baby! Happy die us. HEHE. Especially me! HEHE. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Busy week!

Had went for temp work on wed & thurs since I had no school because of the graduation. Like a fun only. Had work as a teacher as enrichment programme. Is so tiring teaching those primary 1 & 2 kids when they don't even listen! But great that is still manageable. :D Wed went to WWW with C & K for K celebration of her birthday. When we almost going to buy ticket, someone give us free tickets! :D Happy max. Went in & played w them! Crazy much. HEHE. Played till 4 plus & went off to chompchomp. Went to rooftop play as we're too early. HEHE. Ain't we cute?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy for myself! I found a 2 days job as a part-time art teacher at mayflower primary school on wednesday & thursday! This is my goal all along & I gotten what I want! 2 days I also happy k! :D Just wanna share this big big joy. :)

Ysd boy is sweet, before i went to sleep, he msg-ed me 'My life goal is to see you happy and safe!' Ain't he sweet at times? Though at first I bought a Gucci wallet for him and he dint appreciate it, right now, once his hand is slightly dirty, he die also won't touch his wallet. HEHE. Sometimes, i wonder why he so annoying, but sometimes so adorable! :D HEHE. But that's the boy I love isn't it? There is once, I was too heartbroken & angry at him, so I chatted w one of my bestfriend, & she told me, 'You want to leave, but you can't, isn't it?' After this sentence, I cried. Not because I can't leave, is because I love him so I choose not to.

When you love someone, you'll never leave, no matter how hard the situation is, never leave. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Had nightmares last night. Seems so true & realistic. Cried in my dream, and wake up with tears. I don't know why too. Msg-ed boy about it & fallen asleep back. HEHE. Woke up & had his msg. Cutie boy. :) 

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Awesome thing is to stayover at his house! Got supper, plus can talk till sleep! Headed over to cck on friday afternoon to meet boy & trained to toa payoh to eat our dimsum buffet! Suddenly feel so fat back again. Thank baby! :( Headed back home after buffet since nothing to do and put our bags, bathed again due to the super duper hot weather and headed out to tamp for our movie! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Days without mammy. :(

Bored to a maximum when mammy went oversea. Dislike her going oversea. :( One thing great is I can go out anytime I want and stayover at boy's house. Bad thing is, I'm lazy to cook so I have nothing to eat. This few weeks is still being crazy over losing weight. Kept on eating vegetable ONLY instead of a meal itself. Had been going gym, swimming and jogging this few weeks. LOL! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Having you is the best days ever.

Boy booked out on thursday because of his bad toothache. Poor boy! Had fun with him this few days! Nothing will be better than having him around me.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Holiday!

Spent my full day w my precious boy! Tired max. Woke at 7.45 and prepared. Head out at 8.30 & reached safra at 10. Sucha long time to reach. Lucky boy din't nag! :D Went swimming & swam 8 laps together w him. HEHE. Is much more happier to swim w him than swimming alone! Choked a few times and this boy is worry death and keep on pausing his swimming session to see if i'm alright. HEHE.