Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy ORD day, my boy!

Happy ORD day for boy today & happy birthday to the boy on 15 sept! This is part of the boy's present for his birthday. Ohkay, I know is simple, but then I had give him alot more to remember for this 2 years and bought him many gift this few months, so decided to give something simple jiu hao. Don't say I no good k! Finally, is like a finally, all this is over... All those nightmares is over. We overcome the tough part, but the tougher part is coming ahead of us. What we worried most, is coming. Work, neglect, time, family, all this, we had to stress so much for all this. We just hope we gonna survive through this too. We will, right? Said also no use, what we need is actions. But finally made a decision for ourselves that we want to live together. Everything gonna be alright isn't it? 

Look, this 2 years of waiting, I can't say I was being the best. There are ppl out there waited for years when their boy at oversea. But this is the maximum limit I ever did. I'm dependent, stubborn, unreasonable before. There is so many reasons for me to leave & find someone who I can depend on again. But I didn't want to. My will kept me strong beside him. No matter how many times I cried to sleep for the first few months, everything is over. I don't want to tell myself how much I miss him that period of time which I nearly turn crazy wanting him beside me, but I can't. Because this is our life. 

The first time we met, we know all this gonna happen. Time, what we ever lose to, is time. We doesn't have enough time together. I just wanna know that, we will do what we said together down the road with each other without breaking any promises. Without some promises, what is the goal to our future? We need something to make us keep going, that is our promises. 

Happy ORD day my boy. The day you had your freedom, the day that I'm happy yet afraid of. I not sure if, you will find someone better than me or not. But if you ever did, there goes our futures and promises and efforts together. & I'm sure, if you ever found someone better, that means our love never been real before. Insecure kills, all I do is to believe, believe he really love me than anyone..  

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