Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Congrats boy for getting his job!

Had been really busy and tired this few days. Celebrates sissy's birthday, handling stuff and so on.. Really felt stressed up, alot. Met up with the boy today, or ysd? Whatever. for our 2 and a half years being together. It's a really meaningful day today because he gotten his dream job at marina bay and is standard chartered. But, I don't know, or should I say, I'm not sure how do I feel... 

Monday, September 17, 2012

The boy's birthday celebration

Celebrated the boy birthday on exact date, 15 September! Happy boy. All I want you to know that is I love you and willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy. :) Surprises, treats, scrapbook.. Treated the boy

Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy ORD day, my boy!

Happy ORD day for boy today & happy birthday to the boy on 15 sept! This is part of the boy's present for his birthday. Ohkay, I know is simple, but then I had give him alot more to remember for this 2 years and bought him many gift this few months, so decided to give something simple jiu hao. Don't say I no good k! Finally, is like a finally, all this is over... 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Was really busy this few weeks and really lazy to update anything anymore. But today since so free & I went garden by the bay again. Nonono, this time I went w mammy! Since she has been pestering me that she want to go. So brought her there to walk. :)